Afterschool Enrichment Program:
Many relief and development NGOs employ a wholistic approach to community development and transformation as a way of combating poverty in the developing world. AMO is a powerful tool to use in these settings to nurture and disciple the whole child and reach families with the Gospel and Christian ideals and ideas.

Christian Literacy Program:
AMO is the perfect accompaniment with literacy classes for teens and adults. It builds Bible literacy and a noble vocabulary that cultivates thinking and acting Christianly.
“I visited an AMO Program in Villa Altagracia. Boys and girls were absorbing the Word of God with such earnestness. We all had a great time learning about the Psalms. Their answers were quite profound. How wondrous are the ways of God with children! The comparison between the Villa Altagracia children and those I observed in another village, who are not in an AMO Program, is as different as heaven and earth. The AMO children were well disciplined, actively engaged, and had an understanding of the Word of God.”
— N. C., World Vision Consultant, Costa Rica
“We noticed a change in the children’s attitude over the months in the AMO Program. They became united and did not have time to criticize each other. They overflowed with joy as they prepared for their Heidi play. They surprised everyone, as they were all able to memorize their script. No one expected them to be able to perform so well in front of an audience. We know this is a long-term work, and so we eagerly look forward to the next Unit.”
— T. H., Street Children’s Program Director, Brazil
“We are having a visitation from God in our country by opening the door to AMO! Our prayer is that such a visitation will find a responsive attitude in the evangelical Christians in our needy nation.”
— L. S., Food for the Hungry, Dominican Republic