Enriched Sunday School or Children’s Church Curriculum:
AMO’s curricular units are perfect for your Sunday school or children’s church curriculum as they teach children how to reason with the truth of God’s Word in every area of their lives. The Bible reading for reasoning units, the Christian history units, and the beautiful children’s classics with coordinating crafts and activities all provide hours of inspired teaching and learning for all your church educational settings.

Afterschool Enrichment Program:
AMO® was originally designed as an afterschool program. When the whole program is taught three to five days a week, the curriculum and the methods used nurture and disciple the whole child and reach parents with the Gospel and Christian ideas and values.
Summer Enrichment Program:
AMO’s first pilot program in the United States was in a church summer enrichment setting with children ages six to thirteen. It is a great tool for serving your church families as well as reaching out to families and at-risk children in your community.

Our church has greatly benefited from the use of AMO’s rich curriculum. After nearly 30 years of vocational ministry, I have a deep concern for the increasing inability of Christians today to engage truth in general and Biblical truth in particular. The reflective methodology resident in your lesson plans is very effective in helping both teachers and students to think and reason with truth. The way you have integrated the arts and crafts into the learning process does more than merely keep the students’ attention, it helps cement truth into their young minds. Thank you for your labor of love.
— H. F., Pastor, U.S.A.